Reentry Through the Arts

right road lost/FOUND

Funded by California Arts Council Reentry Through the Arts Grant (2017 – present)

The Project

Moving Forward – 2017 to present

right road lost/FOUND

Bi-monthly theatre, movement, and writing workshops serving the formerly incarcerated and those on work release in partnership with Friends Outside in Los Angeles County’s Dads Back! Academy. An extended series of Saturday workshops culminated in the creation and performance of three participant-generated plays.

The workshops gave the participants an opportunity to examine, express, and redefine their life stories through a creative process.

Composed by Bonnie Banfield, based on the participants’ writing


Alexa Kershner and Susan Franklin Tanner


Susan Franklin Tanner


Dads Back! Academy Clients


Whitney Wakimoto

Professional Actor(s)

Susan Franklin Tanner, Rubén Guevara, Alexa Kershner, Jim Macdonald, Marlene McCurtis

Teaching Artist(s)


Various, including A Room to Create in Pasadena, Los Angeles Trade Tech College and Los Angeles County Probation Department in Pico Rivera

“The Moving Forward workshop experience has taken me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to feel a new sense of self…it has touched my soul and brought me joy.”

— Ruben, 2018


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