On May 29, 2021, from 4:00–6:30 p.m. PST, TheatreWorkers Project (TWP) staff and a returned resident will be featured on a panel about mental health, incarceration, and the power of the arts to heal trauma. Hosted by the Mt. Rubidoux SDA Church Family, TWP will screen The Journey written and performed by men incarcerated at California State Prison Los Angeles County’s “A” Yard. The screening will be followed by a discussion with TWP directors, a formerly incarcerated participant, and a group of expert panelists: a psychologist, a sociologist, and clergy. Please click here to register, select ONLINE GROUPS, then select RUBI_G.L.O.W. For more information, please contact Susie Tanner at twproject83@gmail.com.
Home » TheatreWorkers Project to be Featured on Mt. Rubidoux SDA Church Family Panel